Cyber Security as a Service
Cyber-attacks can occur with no warning and result have catastrophic consequences for a business’ operation. This doesn’t even take into account the financial and data loss that will potentially occur. Although the Internet has opened up a whole new world of business possibilities and profitability, it can also expose companies to serious threats from hackers, malware, and ransomware. Cyber security as a service is essential for businesses to protect their operational and financial well-being long-term. At Sanapptx, we are a premier provider of cyber security services and offer these services as a very competitive price.
Security Services to Protect Your Business
We partner with you to endure your business is protected from every potential point of vulnerability in cyberspace. We offer an extensive and powerful collection of security services that are designed to protect both the end user and the business’ assets and data.
Proactive Endpoint Security
Desktop PCs, mobile phones, laptops, and other network connected devices provide entry points for dangerous online activity.
Endpoint management includes deploying, patching, updating, and troubleshooting devices on the network. Proactive efforts are taken by monitoring endpoint activities and accessibility to valuable company data. Our IPS/IDS software ensures malicious data and information does not successfully penetrate a network.
Proprietary Detection and Intrusion Prevention
At Sanapptx, our highly effective IPS/IDS (Intrusion Prevention and Detection) software consists of security protection with multiple layers, enabling the blocking of specific IP addresses or entire countries and regions of the world. 24/7 monitoring and alerting can prevent all presently known forms of attack from entering your network, defend against automated attacks, and deter the attackers themselves.
Traditionally firewalls have always played a big role in effectively defending against cyber threats in the digital landscape. This additional step (implementation of IPS/IDS software) may be operated on a physical server, in a private cloud, as a standalone device on premise, or in a virtual environment.
The combination of firewall protection and IPS/IDS solution is able to stop hackers from accessing crucial company information, including financial data, confidential client data, and employee records. In today’s world, the use of malware and spyware to exploit weaknesses in a company’s infrastructure is a major concern.
As part of our cyber security as a service, we offer vulnerability scanning to evaluate weaknesses in networks, individual computers, and communication equipment. As well, the configuration, patching, and monitoring services we offer are able to prevent attacks before they occur and avoid the need for expensive disaster recovery. We even go so far to offer employee education on cyber security in order to assist company’s in meeting compliance standards or give them peace of mind their employees know what to look for.
To learn more about how our team at Sanapptx can help you benefit from our effective cyber security solutions, call us today at 214.447.0244 or send us a message through our contact form.